Posts from September 2012

4 Items

Kohelet 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

During Sukkot, we read the Scroll of Kohelet, which is one of the five scrolls, to be found in the third Biblical section which is called Writings. In Hebrew the section is called Ketuvim. The Hebrew word for the Bible is Tanach, which is an abbreviation for Torah, Neviim, the prophets, and Ketuvim.  The section […]

Vayelech 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Hebrew name of today’s Sidra means he went. In its number of verses, it is the shortest Sidra of the year, but it is read on its own only rarely, when Yom Kippur falls on either Wednesday or Thursday. The Sidra sets out Moses speech on the last day of his life. It is interesting […]

Nitzavim 5772

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

This week’s Sidra begins with Moses’ declaration that the Israelites were standing ready in front of the Lord in order to make another covenant with him. This covenant was made in the Land of Moab and it was a renewal of the covenant that had originally been made in Mount Chorev, another name for Mount […]

Ki Tavo 5772

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The meaning of the name of today’s Sidra is “when you come”. Moses continues his final speech by referring to the mitzvah of BIKKURIM, the First Fruit, which the Israelites were commanded to observe as soon as they entered the land. This passage is, therefore, linked to the previous commandment, mentioned in the last paragraph of the […]