Sidra Commentaries

1120 of 69 items

Balak 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra is named after Balak, the king of Moab, who was the ruler of that country at the time that the Israelites reached the Eastern bank of the Jordan in the plains of Moab, opposite Jericho. It was the 40th year since the Exodus. The Israelites were almost ready to cross over the Jordan. […]

Chukkat 5772

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The meaning of the name of today’s Sidra is LAW. Our Rabbis interpreted the Hebrew concept of Chok to refer to a law whose reason has not been revealed to us.  The Sidra begins with the law of the Red Heifer, which has always been regarded as mysterious. It simply very difficult to understand why […]

Chukkat 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Book of Bamidbar consists of 10 Sidrot, which can be divided into two completely separate parts, representing 2 periods in the history of the Exodus. The first 5 Sidrot describe the events that took place within the first two years of the Exodus, until the end of the rebellion of Korach. The last 5 […]


by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

Today’s Sidra is named after the man who led a major rebellion against Moses and Aaron in the desert. Many commentators believe that this rebellion took place immediately after the catastrophic mission of the 12 spies. Korach and his “gang” thought that Moses’ leadership had been weakened. They, therefore, took this opportunity to challenge him […]

Korach 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

  The Sidra of Korach is named after the man who organized a very serious rebellion against Moses and Aaron in the desert, in the second year after the Exodus. The name Korach is striking because it means bald. In Hebrew we have a proverb: YATZA KERE’ACH MIKAN UMIKAN. It means: “You come out bald […]

Sh’lach Lecha 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra of Shlach-Lecha is devoted, mostly, to the grave sin which was committed first by 10 of the 12 spies that were sent by Moses to investigate the land. As a consequence, the entire nation sinned by rebelling against God. It turned out to be the second most catastrophic event in the desert, equal […]

Beha’alotecha 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

Today’s Sidra begins on a note of joy and happiness. It focuses on the light of the Menorah and tells us that Aaron was commanded to light its lamps so that six flames, three on each side, should be directed towards the central flame. According to another interpretation, he was instructed to ensure that all […]

Behar-Bechukotai 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

  The Sidra of Behar is a relatively short Sidra and is devoted to holy periods of times which come only rarely.  It speaks about the year of release, called Sh’mittah, which occurs every seven years and the Jubilee year, which comes every 50 years. During the Sh’mittah years all agricultural activities have to cease. […]

Acharei-Mot Kedoshim

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

COMMENTARY ON THE SIDROT OF ACHAREI MOT AND KEDOSHIM 5773 BY RABBI YAAKOV GRUNEWALD The Book of Vayika is devoted primarily to two distinct themes; PURITY AND HOLINESS, which are called in Hebrew by the terms of TOHARAH and KEDUSHAH.  The first six Sidrot deal with the concept of purity and the last 4, beginning […]

Tazria-Mezora 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

Both the Sidrot of Tazria and Mezora are devoted to the laws of purity and defilement in the Jewish Religion. The name Tazria comes from the Hebrew root ZRA, which means ‘seed’. Therefore, the name refers either to a woman who has conceived a child or has given birth. Metzora refers to a person has […]