Posts tagged with ‘Parsha’

3140 of 63 items

Ki Tissa 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

  The opening commandment in the Sidra of Ki Tissa instructs Moses to conduct the census which took place by means of a contribution of half a Shekel from each person over the age the 20.  The age of 20 was the military age in ancient times. Therefore, it is to be assumed that Moses […]

Tetzaveh 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra of Tetzaveh is unique in that it does not mention the name of Moses.  All other Sidrot, since his birth, mention him.  However, in this Sidra, Aaron is at the centre of our attention and his name is mentioned many times. The Almighty’s decision to omit Moses name comes to stress the two […]

T’rumah 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra of T’rumah is devoted, in its entirety, to the building of the Tabernacle and the furniture that stood in it.  It existed for 479 years. After travelling in the desert with the Israelites for almost 40 years, it continued to be the centre of worship until King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem. […]

Beshalach 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

  The first section of today’s Sidra describes the Israelites’ journey out of the land of Egypt. They travelled from Sukkot to Etam, which was situated on the edge of the desert. The Torah tells us the route by which the Almighty decided to take them. There were three possible routes: the North Eastern route, […]

Bo 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The Sidra of BO contains the last three plagues; Locusts, Darkness and the Killing of the First Born Sons. These three plagues stand out because they are associated with darkness, directly or indirectly. The Torah says that the locusts came in such vast numbers that they covered the entire sky, so that the land became […]

Sh’mot 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The book of Sh’mot is described as the book of Exile and Redemption. It opens with the account of the Israelites’ integration into Egyptian society. By the time of Joseph’s death, at the age of 110 years, for legal and economic reasons it became impossible for them to leave. As a result of Joseph’s measures […]

Bereshit 5772

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

The name of this week’s Sidra means “At the beginning”. It comes from the Hebrew word Rosh, which means HEAD. The first chapter describes the creation of the world in seven days.  It is worth noting that many commentators agree that the Torah is not meant to teach only history and that the account we […]

Vay’chi 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

  The Sidra of Vayechi begins in the Torah scroll in a unique way. All the others Sidrot begin on a new line, or on the same line, with the space of nine letters separating them from the previous Sidra. But this Sidra begins in the middle of the paragraph, without any break. It seems […]

Mikketz 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

  The Sidra of Mikketz describes Joseph’s miraculous rise to power. Unfortunately, ancient Egyptian documents, which shed clear light on the whole story of the Israelites’ migration and stay in Egypt, have not yet been discovered. Therefore, there are different opinions regarding the identity of the King of Egypt who appointed Joseph to his high […]

Vayeshev 5773

by Rabbi Yaakov Grunewald

This Sidra of Vayeshev is devoted, mainly, to the story of Joseph. It begins by telling us that when Joseph was young, he was cared for by Bilhah and Zilpah, his father’s wives, because his own mother, Rachel, had died. Leah had six children of her own, so she had no time to look after […]